Cooler Screens and Soli Technology

- Case study and design development -

Overview of the project:

I thought that Googles ATAP Soli Technology could go well with Cooler Screens advanced screen and cooler technology within the the pharma/med and research field. Enhancing the safety, security, and efficiency factor through a touchless experience is what the combination of these technologies will bring. 


Here is an overview of Googles Soli Technology:

Soli was built from the ground up from an impossible idea: to create a radar small enough to fit into a smart watch. Over the course of five years, Google invented, designed and built the Soli radar chip and platform, taking it from early-stage prototypes to a single solid-state component that can be integrated into consumer devices.


Here is an overview of ooler Screens:

Cooler Screens was founded on the core idea that consumers deserve a far better experience than what is available today in brick-and-mortar retail. We bring consumers in brick-and-mortar what they love about shopping online: ease, relevance, transparency, and better choices.

Role in the project:

My role in this project will include design developer UX/UI as well as researcher. 


Easy to use

I want this experience to feel intuitive so that it can bridge across users at all levels of technological capability.


I wanted there be some level of branding so that each interface and screen can be customized for the user.

Developing a scalable design

Developing a design language that is common enough for several users across different disciplines to understand but still maintain the ability to customize based on industry.


I started researching how specialized medical/pharma refrigeration worked and I interviewed several techs and users that worked within the industry. Gathering information on current deficiencies with current refrigeration units and needs for the future. 

The more I spoke with pharma techs and researchers the more it was clear there was a need for safety and security. The current refrigeration models had an interface that was not user friendly. There was no current model to bridge the current technology in the  med/pharma with the latest in safety, security as well as leveraging the current advancements made by Cooler Screen. The sensor tech incorporated by Cooler screen was a natural match with the Googles Soli technology.  


Age: 54 
Pharma industry researcher.
A well educated engineer that enjoys learning and also escaping the stress of work. He likes keeping work organized and clean and makes it a habit to teach others procedures to maintain safety. 


Age: 31 
Pharmacy technician.
A well trained pharmacy technician that enjoys the feeling of accomplishment. While young enough to embrace modern technology she also remembers when the world was still analog. 

Design Development

Based on my research and using the two personas that were developed from the interviews I started to develop how the experience could flow and what the interface would look like.


I began with sketches so as not to limit the experience with the machine.

Focusing on the needs and future designing I also began to understand the challenge of scalability. 

The regular maintenance also started to come into focus and what would be needed help keep scheduled upkeep for the maintaining these units. 

User Flow

User flow is important to develop but each industry could have different protocols and practices. I focused on the Walgreens retail pharmacy experience. 


Designing the interface had to include the idea that all of the interface would be touchless.

Cooler Screen with
Soli Technology
Walk through

Play the video to view a walk through of the pharmacy cooler.

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